Stories of the strong
Fund projects

Stories of the strong

A large-scale informational project to create a book about the stories of Ukrainians who survived the war. And they survived!

Stories of the strong

Volunteers of the Charitable Foundation communicate with Ukrainians who witnessed the Great War every day, and hear stories that cannot be forgotten. This must be preserved for future generations.

"Stories of the Strong" is a large-scale information project of the Vadym Stolar Foundation to create a book about the stories of Ukrainians who survived the war.

This unique collection includes 63 stories of Ukrainians who had a tragic experience related to military actions and shared it with us. Each of their stories is a courageous act.

"Stories of the Strong" is a collection of memories about what hurts everyone. On its pages there are dozens of stories about how Ukraine withstood and courageously closed all of Europe with itself, as if with a shield, from the onslaught of Russian invaders. It has everything - pain, fear, hatred, rage, courage, unity, mutual support, hope and faith in Victory.

Some of the war diaries from the book "History of the Strong" will make you cry, some will give you hope, and some will be able to prove the war crimes of the shameful army of the Russian Federation in The Hague.

Recently, we started a tour of the cities of Ukraine with the presentation of our book Stories of the Strong.

The first presentation of the book took place in Buch, because this city has become iconic not only for Ukraine, but also for the whole world.

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The next city we visited with our presentation was Odesa. We started the presentation with a theatrical production with the participation of professional actors - this conveys the deep meanings "stitched" in the book.

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Our presentation tour continues. We are already planning the cities in which we will soon present our unique collection "Stories of the Strong".

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