Today our Foundation is 4 years old!

Today our Foundation is 4 years old!

Today our Foundation is 4 years old!

When we started our work in 2020, supporting Ukrainians during the Covid-19 pandemic, we could not even imagine what awaited us all.

A full-scale war came to Ukraine, and there was no time for thinking - my team and I decided to act. After all, the number of lives saved depended on our efficiency and self-sacrifice.

Then, at the beginning of a difficult path, we did not get confused and did not tremble, because our founder said: "We are working, team!"

And we united and turned into a strong team of incredible people - devoted to their work, sensitive and loyal to Ukraine. And every day we are busy implementing our many interesting and very necessary projects.

We would like to thank each and everyone who contributed to the work of our Foundation. After all, among our achievements today are hundreds of kilometers covered by our volunteers to various cities of Ukraine, where we took aid.

Support of dozens of military units to which we transferred equipment and machinery.

Thousands of thanks from Ukrainians who left their homes because of the war and found themselves in dire straits.

Smiles of children who participated in "Recover" races or received New Year's gifts from us.

Words of gratitude from people to whom we provide legal and psychological support and extend a "helping hand" while they are waiting for their relatives from the war.

We are sincerely grateful to the founder of the Foundation, Vadym Stolar, that he rallied us, supported us, constantly helped and continues to help Ukrainians in this difficult time for our country.

Friends, if you want to congratulate us on this important day - leave comments under this post. Be sure to watch the video.

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