1,000,000 hryvnias for rehabilitation: the winners of the second grant program of The Vadym Stolar Foundation announced

1,000,000 hryvnias for rehabilitation: the winners of the second grant program of The Vadym Stolar Foundation announced

1,000,000 hryvnias for rehabilitation: the winners of the second grant program of The Vadym Stolar Foundation announced

The competition for obtaining targeted grants from The Vadym Stolar Foundation has ended. It was attended by public and charitable organizations that take care of the physical and psychological recovery of Ukrainian soldiers and citizens in war conditions. The winners of the competition will receive one-time assistance in the amount of 1,000,000 hryvnias for the implementation of their projects. Read about the results of the grant program, as well as the Foundation's future plans in this direction, in our material.

After the completion of the first grant program in the spring of 2023, The Vadym Stolar Foundation decided to definitely continue it. But this time was decided to focus on the areas of physical and psychological recovery of Ukrainians who suffered as a result of russian military aggression. Within these areas, the organizers identified specific projects for further funding.

Projects in the field of psycho-emotional recovery:

  • educational projects related to teaching citizens the concept of mental health, working with mental disorders, as well as mastering skills and knowledge of self-help in stressful situations;
  • training psychologists-practitioners to work with individual psychological disorders (depression, panic attacks, PTSD, etc.) to provide high-quality psychological assistance to people affected by the war.

Projects in the field of physical rehabilitation:

  • setting up rehabilitation centers and offices for the physical recovery of servicemen who were wounded or otherwise damaged in the combat zone.

"Within the second grant program, we did a lot of preliminary work", Andriy Feshchenko, director of the Foundation says. - We developed detailed conditions of the competition, conducted an information campaign, received more than 100 applications and carefully studied each of them. As a result of the analysis of the proposed projects, the finalists were determined, each of whom we visited personally and had a detailed conversation with. This is how the three winners of the competition were chosen, and, I must admit, this choice was very difficult. All, simply all, without exception, projects participating in the competition were interesting and useful, and the people who represent these projects are exceptional."

The winners of the second grant program of The Vadym Stolar Foundation were The Charitable Foundation "Good Deeds Together", The Charitable Foundation "Strong and Indomitable" and the PO "Start with yourself!".

"Kharkiv СF "Good deeds together" presented the project "Self-help: the mastery of stress resistance". It is aimed at psychological support of the residents of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, providing them with skills and knowledge on self-help in stressful situations, - the Fund's project manager Yuliia Ulasyk said. - CF "Strong and Indomitable " from Kyiv region offered to provide military and civilian veterans, people with disabilities with the opportunity to undergo rehabilitation in an office with the necessary equipment on the basis of the Myronivka Rehabilitation Hospital. PO "Start with yourself!" from Bucha presented a project to create a public space for psycho-emotional relief of children from families of forced migrants and participants in hostilities".

Each of these projects will receive targeted funds from the Fund after carrying out all the necessary procedures.

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The founder of the Foundation Vadym Stolar is convinced of the importance and great prospects of grant programs:

"Such projects help establish strong ties, establish broad cooperation with like-minded people across the country. All our experience shows that together we can be much more effective and help more people. Therefore, we will definitely continue and develop this practice in the future".

The founder's position was fully supported by Foundation volunteer Nataliia Prykhodko:

"Grant projects help us identify the urgent needs of Ukrainians through communication with a wide range of people across the country. And then meet these needs in collaboration with other organizations. And such projects form their own special environment that unites benefactors, volunteers, professionals in various fields and aid recipients, which contributes to the formation of civil society in Ukraine".

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