Humanitarian mission. Kharkiv

Humanitarian mission. Kharkiv

Humanitarian mission. Kharkiv

During the humanitarian mission to Kharkiv, we conducted several stages of distribution of food kits. This is due to the huge number of requests we received from affected citizens.

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Kharkiv is gradually recovering, despite constant enemy shelling. However, the city bravely resisted and is currently brimming with life. Courage is tempered here. Glory to Ukraine!


In general, since the beginning of the Russian Federation's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, citizens have received from the Fund:

- more than 613 thousand servings of hot food;

- more than 307 thousand food sets;

- more than 117,000 units of medicines and hygiene products.

Currently, the Vadym Stolar Foundation helps IDPs, families of fallen heroes, as well as those who lost their homes as a result of the war. Our volunteers constantly analyze the situation in different regions of the country and keep their finger on the pulse of where help is most needed. Next, the Foundation's team forms logistics, prepares multi-ton cargoes with food kits and goes on humanitarian missions.

The geography of humanitarian missions of the Charitable Fund is not limited to certain regions of Ukraine, because we strive to provide assistance to as many people as possible who are in trouble due to the war. With humanitarian missions, we visited both frontline and de-occupied communities that suffered the most, as well as safer regions, where many displaced people have currently found refuge, fleeing the horrors of war. In total, the Foundation's team visited more than 200 settlements with food aid.

In addition to planned humanitarian missions, we also promptly respond to the challenges of war and go to regions that urgently need help. In particular, after the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam, our volunteers immediately went to the Kherson region, where they delivered drinking water and food products to help local residents.

The charity fund also implemented a large program of providing targeted food aid to Ukrainians who were in dire straits as a result of hostilities.

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