"Food additives in dairy products"

"Food additives in dairy products"

"Food additives in dairy products"

As part of the "Sports in the District" project, certified fitness trainer and nutritionist Anastasia Bocharova held an online lecture "Food additives in dairy products".

Do you read the ingredients of butter before buying? How do you choose hard and sour milk cheese? Do you pay attention to the information on the sour cream package?

We need to use dairy products to saturate the body with complete protein, fats and carbohydrates, calcium, amino acids and vitamins. Without regular consumption of which it is impossible to have strong bones, teeth, healthy hair and nails. And they are a mandatory component of the diet of people who do sports.

Our speaker will help you understand how to choose dairy products correctly, so that they bring only benefits to our body, and which food additives to pay attention to when reading their composition.

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