Defending personal boundaries is one of the important forms of self-care

Defending personal boundaries is one of the important forms of self-care

Defending personal boundaries is one of the important forms of self-care

Defending personal boundaries is one of the important forms of self-care. It happens that when we say "yes" to others, we automatically say "no" to ourselves.

What are personal boundaries, how to set them and understand, where are the red lines? We discussed it with a psychologist during an offline meeting in a cozy corner of Podol.

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With this event, we continue the series of offline meetings within the framework of the "Psychological Support" project. The main goal of the project is laid down in the name - it is support and provision of psychological help to people who need it today.

More useful recommendations of a psychologist and announcements of new meetings in the telegram chat of the project at the link:

Join us, and remember that self-care is on time today and always!

The "Psychological Support" project is a closed club in which we help people cope with internal experiences and try to find ways to relieve mental pain, learn to live in a constantly changing reality.

Together with a team of psychologists, we systematically conduct free therapeutic groups and personal psychological consultations.

Join the "Psychological support" project if you:
- you want to deal with constant excitement and emotional "swings";
- you feel lonely;
- you want to share what worries you and be sure that you will be heard and supported;
- you feel anxiety, apathy, panic attacks or other manifestations of depression and want to find support;
- want to discuss the problem with people who feel the same.

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