778 days of full-scale war

778 days of full-scale war

778 days of full-scale war

After such hellish nights as today, when the enemy sends dozens of deadly rockets and shaheeds at our cities, mornings are more and more difficult. The news I read takes my breath away. A feeling of acute injustice, helplessness. But the only question to the universe: "For what?"

"Because they can!"

And we mentally say to ourselves: "Numa, pull yourself together! You don't have another country!" We take a deep breath - and go to work so that victory is even closer.

In times when the aggressor country will finally be defeated, and our children will live in already peaceful Ukraine, they will definitely remember those dark days - with being in shelters, explosions from air defense operations, feeling fear for their lives. And they will try to make our country even stronger so that their children do not have to experience all this.

Until then, let's hold on, support each other, work and not give in to despair. And let's convert all our rage into support for our brave army.

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