Sports in the district
Fund projects

Sports in the district

Sports project for the physical recovery of Ukrainians.

Join the project
Sports in the district

In the conditions of war, playing sports is an opportunity for psychological reset and physical recovery. That is why we launched the project "Sports in the district", within the framework of which the Foundation's trainers systematically conduct online and offline outdoor training in 6 districts of the capital.

The global goal of the project is to restore the emotional balance of Ukrainians with the help of physical activities, and, of course, to involve them in a healthy lifestyle.


In 2022, we mainly organized training in the fresh air, but now we have temporarily changed the format and are currently conducting classes online - three times a week.

Ten weeks in a row, we start the morning with super useful workouts from our charming Yulia, a professional trainer.

Saturday training from Julia

The curator of the project Yulia is a fitness trainer with 5 years of experience, the national team of Ukraine in rowing on the "Dragon" boats. She knows better than anyone what it takes to train effectively and achieve the expected result.

In addition to intensive training with Yulia, we additionally engage specialists and conduct yoga classes, seminars on proper nutrition, and lectures on health:

Online lectures

- Online - lecture on "Secret power of intimate fitness":
- Online lecture on "Menopause":
- Seminar "Healthy nutrition":
- Seminar on "Women's Health":
- Seminar on "Health of the pelvic floor":
- Online - lecture on "Biologically active food additives":

- Online lecture "Food additives in dairy products:

- Online lecture with Oleksandra Tsaruk "What prevents you from starting to play sports?:

Also, the Team of our Foundation actively participates in charity races, because charity and sport unite!

In the summer, the Foundation's team participated athletically and financially in the charity run in memory of Major Oleksii Chubashev of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Peremoga Park. All funds were directed to the rehabilitation and prosthetics center for veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war at the Superhumans center. This center cares for veterans and civilians who have suffered as a result of hostilities.

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The Foundation's team celebrated Kyiv's birthday in sports - we participated in the charity "Run under the Chestnuts". Together they covered a distance of 5 km. Funds collected within the project will be directed to the Center for Children's Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery of the Ministry of Health.

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Training records

Don't wait until Monday to start playing sports - join our project today!

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