The third grant program of the Foundation
Fund projects

The third grant program of the Foundation

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The third grant program of the Foundation

The Vadym Stolar Foundation initiates the financing of projects through the provision of charitable grants, the purpose of which is the creation and implementation of physical and psycho-emotional recovery projects, namely in the following areas:

  • Creation and equipping of offices for providing psychological assistance and physical rehabilitation to servicemen who take/participated in military operations during the war.
  • Support of existing projects aimed at providing professional assistance and therapy for the recovery of physical and mental health of military personnel who take/participated in hostilities during the war.
  • Support of initiatives for employment, psychological assistance and social integration of war veterans.
  • Arrangement of housing for a war veteran. Projects aimed at improving living conditions for veterans.


If you have ideas for implementation or ongoing projects within the above-mentioned directions, the Fund provides an opportunity to receive a grant in the amount of 1,000,000 hryvnias.

Financing can be carried out in one tranche or several, depending on the stage of implementation of your project and the proposed idea.


The Fund provides financial support to: non-profit organizations registered on the territory of Ukraine in accordance with the legislation and entered in the register of non-profit institutions and organizations, namely: charitable, public organizations, including other associations officially registered on the territory of Ukraine.

To participate in the project, you must have the following list of documents:

  • an extract from the Unified State Register;
  • decision on inclusion in the Register of non-profit organizations;
  • regulations;
  • current extract from the Unified State Register;
  • protocol (decision) on the appointment of a manager;
  • bank account details of a legal entity (or with a separate account opened for the project in case the project has already been started).


  1. Fill out the application in Ukrainian in the form proposed by the Foundation, which must contain all the completed components of the application form.
  2. Applications will be accepted for one month after the announcement of the beginning of the grant project.
  3. If necessary, the deadline for accepting applications can be extended.
  4. The Fund has the right not to consider applications received after the deadline for applications. Announcements about the details of the grant project can be found on the official pages in social networks and the website of the Foundation.
  5. Fill out the project budget in the form proposed by the Foundation.


To participate in the project, you need to send the application, budget and other documents specified above to the email address [email protected]


Applications are constantly reviewed. You will receive feedback from the Fund regarding the consideration of your application within a month from the moment of the end of accepting applications for the grant project.

Potential winners of the grant project will be invited to an interview. Within fourteen days from the end of the interviews, the Foundation will announce the winners of the grant project.

The Foundation provides information or comments on the process of consideration and evaluation of applications before the established date of announcing the results of the competition only on its own official resources (website, social media pages).

In individual communication with applicants, the Foundation does not provide information about the grant evaluation process before the official announcement of the results.


Social orientation of the project. The criterion involves an analysis of the relevance of the stated problem within the scope of the project, justification of ways to solve the problem at the expense of the grant.

Project idea and its implementation. The criterion contains an analysis of the viability of the project idea and the stages of its implementation. Analysis of the sequence of proposed actions.

Expected results. The Fund analyzes the expected short-term and long-term results of the project, the possible effect of the project upon completion of grant funding.

Budget. The criterion includes an assessment of the compliance of the budget articles with the set goals and an assessment of the expediency of expenses, the distribution of the budget according to planned expenses, the presentation of one's own contribution and other sources of financing.

Organizational capacity and experience. Analysis of activity and experience in the implementation of similar or other projects.

Fostering partnership and collaboration. The possibility of implementing the practice of cooperation between non-profit organizations in order to facilitate the provision of psychological assistance to the largest number of people.


The applicant who won the grant receives a charitable donation from the Foundation in the form of cash to finance the implementation of specific project goals, which is subject to the conclusion of an appropriate agreement between the Foundation and the Grant Winner.

Targeted use of funds is determined by the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and the terms of the contract, the approved project budget, as well as the provision of reliable and verified reporting on their use.

The grant winner uses the received funds to finance the expenses related to the implementation of the project, provided that these expenses are justified, foreseen or allowed in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

Expenses that:

  1. Specified in the project budget. In the event that during the implementation of the project, the grantor discovered that the costs of certain items exceed the sums of the budget items, before making such expenses, he must contact the Fund with a letter about making changes to the project budget.
  2. Actually incurred (ie paid), not planned.
  3. Incurred during the term of the Agreement, provided that they are directly related to this Agreement.
  4. Confirmed by primary documentation in accordance with current legislation and the requirements of the Agreement and can be determined and verified.

Expenses that are inadmissible within the framework of the project:

  1. To cover the salaries of full-time employees of the organization.
  2. Administrative expenses (business trips, expenses related to the activities of organizations and not related to the direction of the project activity specified in the grant application).
  3. Commercial projects.
  4. Other expenses recognized by the Fund as inappropriate due to their lack of connection with the planned activities and the purpose of the project.

If there is a balance of unspent grant funds after approval of the financial statements based on the results of the project implementation, the Grant Winner is obliged to return this balance to the Fund's account.

Project monitoring and financial reporting.

Interim financial statements for the project are provided by the Grant Winner after the implementation of each stage of the project to monitor the implementation of the project, and the final financial statement is provided after the completion of the project.

The Fund monitors the implementation of the project and has the right, if there is only one stage of its implementation, at any time to ask the Grant Winner to provide interim financial reporting.

To monitor the implementation of the project, the grant winner is obliged to provide the Fund, in particular, but not exclusively:

1. A scanned copy of the bank statement from the project account;

2. Scanned copies of documents confirming expenses (contracts, invoices, expense invoices, acts of acceptance and transfer, etc.).

To prepare the final financial report, the Foundation provides the grant winner with a form for drawing up a financial report.

The financial report consists of a completed reporting form and scanned copies of primary documents confirming expenses.

The financial report is provided by the Grant Winner within a month from the end of the project.

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