We give waiting room for children

We give waiting room for children

We give waiting room for children

Children are the future of our nation. And no matter how difficult it is for Ukrainians now, the task of parents is to take care of their children's well-being. And so that they are not only happy, but also healthy, it is important to regularly conduct the necessary preventive examinations.

So today, on International Children's Day, we invite you to join our project "Chekapy". And register for a free examination by a children's orthopedist-traumatologist, which we organize in one of the leading medical centers of the capital.

It is important to detect orthopedic diseases as early as possible. Checking the child's musculoskeletal system will allow the doctor to assess its condition and, if necessary, give parents recommendations on their further actions.

To be examined by a pediatrician, please fill out the form at the link: https://forms.gle/bobSK5U9NYeX8ZkK8

We will invite 30 children, whose parents will be chosen at random, for free waiting.

Children from birth to 18 years of age from families of three preferential categories will be able to get tested: internally displaced persons, families in which a loved one died, as well as those who lost their homes due to the war.

It is important that the child is in Kyiv at the time of the examination!

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