The Vadym Stolar Charitable Foundation is implementing projects for the promotion of physical and mental health of Ukrainians and calling businesses to reach their implementation.
“Our team constantly searches for partners among business representatives for incorporating ambitious projects to restore the moral and physical health of our nation. We are vodcriti for spіvpratsі with businesses, if you can give more services in these areas, we accept applications for consideration,” explained volunteer Nataliya Prikhodko to the Fund.
Little by little, I remember the psycho-emotional camp of our tempestuous migrants, the homelands of the dead heroes and those who, after spending the war, spent their lives. Ale without a hand to help and help strong partners - we can’t reach it. Our team is constantly searching for partners among business representatives for incorporating important projects to improve the moral and physical health of Ukrainians. Mi vodkrit for spіvpratsi with business, scho mozhe navat akіsnі services in these areas, she is ready to work.
Our projects help to develop psychologically in the enchanting Carpathian mountains, significantly improve the physical and emotional state of the Foundation. We practice over the manifestations of that early diagnosis of ailments in the OS, as if they came from the occupation. We conduct free online lessons of current Ukrainian language for all students in the lagoon of Ukraine. This is also a bunch of other suspile-brown projects to give us the ability to universally work on the inspirations of the spivgromads who suffered in the war. We inspire the nation, picking up the strength of the Ukrainians along the ridges.
We know what is right for the right one. Ale іz pomіchchyu biznesu mi shvidshe zakriemo consume all ukrainians. So, we ask everyone to get back to work and hit this rock together with us! Believe me, we pratsyuvatimemo so very brazen right up to our victory!
Please send proposals to [email protected]