Help in the city of Vyshneve

Help in the city of Vyshneve

Help in the city of Vyshneve

The enemy destroys - we restore. The enemy wants to destroy our unity - instead, we gather even more around the common goal - Victory.

Thanks to the grant program, we managed to get to know many volunteers, people who help others every day, following the call of their hearts. Both in the front-line regions and in the cities where displaced persons have now found refuge.

Having traveled almost all over Ukraine with a humanitarian mission, we returned to our native Kyiv region and visited the city of Vyshneve. Currently, a powerful team of the Public organization "Start with yourself" is actively working here, which helps internally displaced persons and vulnerable categories of citizens.

Outside of the competition of the Foundation's grant program, volunteers received food kits and distributed them to people who needed it the most. We were happy to participate in the distribution of food aid.

Uniting for Victory and helping people. Unity is our most powerful weapon.

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