Once again, our volunteers did a tremendous job

Once again, our volunteers did a tremendous job

Once again, our volunteers did a tremendous job

Recently, our Foundation purchased and donated five cars for the needs of our defenders. Specialized vehicles were added to the fleet of military units A0501, A1225, A1484, A4714 and one of the units of the Special Operations Forces.

We know that cars are one of the hottest needs at the front today. Mobility for soldiers is an opportunity to be efficient at work, to be able to quickly respond to tasks and threats. Therefore, we receive requests for specialized cars from the military very often.

Once again, our volunteers did a colossal job of finding, purchasing, preparing cars and then handing them over to our soldiers.

Every time we hear words of thanks from defenders, we are convinced of how important and necessary for our army and the country we are doing. And we mutually thank the soldiers - for enabling us to work and raise children on Ukrainian land.

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