Learning Ukrainian today is modern and relevant. Language unites us, evokes a sense of pride, and an invisible thread connects all the continents where Ukrainians live today.
That is why the All-Ukrainian radio dictation of national unity, which we will write next Friday, October 25, is not just a test of language knowledge, but also an opportunity to once again feel our belonging to the great Ukrainian nation.
We know that among you, friends, there will definitely be people willing to join the radio dictation. So we suggest preparing for it together.
How to do it?
• Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this year's theme, because both the vocabulary and the structure of the text will be determined by it. Since 2015, the text of the dictation is prepared specifically for the event, and its topic is kept secret. But this time we know a little more, because the author of the text - the writer Oksana Zabuzhko - hinted that its theme will be a gift for the 100th anniversary of Ukrainian Radio.
• Practice and write texts under dictation on topics that are close and interesting to you - they will inspire, and the process will go easily. If there is no one nearby who can dictate, use the audio or written version of the text.
• Write down the words of your favorite songs and check the lyrics for mistakes.
• Repeat the punctuation marks used when transmitting language in writing. For example, watching your favorite movies. Writing a text and comparing it with the film credits is another format of dictation when there is no one around to help.
• Get to know Oksana Zabuzhko's works more closely and feel her author's rhythm, which will help with punctuation.
Join the radio dictation on Friday together with all Ukrainians or write it on the weekend yourself. And send us photos of your works in a separate Telegram group @radio2024Ukraine. Our teacher Dana Orbu will check your dictations and analyze common mistakes.
According to the materials of "Osvitoria Media".