How to help a person who is in a stupor?

How to help a person who is in a stupor?

How to help a person who is in a stupor?

Sometimes, due to strong nervous shocks, a person loses the strength to contact the surrounding world - he falls into a stupor.

How to make sure that it is really him? How long can this state last? How to help a person now and what to do when the stupor passes? Yana Kobets, a psychologist and speaker of the "Support" project, talks about all this in detail in the new video of the "Psychodia" practical course.

Watch the new video and learn how you can provide psychological first aid to someone close to you who is having a hard time.


"Support" is a project of the Vadym Stolar Foundation, where in a closed community, professional psychologists help people cope with their inner experiences, find ways to relieve mental pain and learn to live in the changing present.

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