We didn't come back

We didn't come back


Participant of "History of the Strong"

"Before the war, our family lived in Chuguyev, a small military town 22 kilometers east of Kharkiv. On the morning of February 24, as usual, my sixteen-year-old son and I went to Kharkiv: I went to work at JSC Turboatom, where I worked 28 years old, Slavyk is studying at a music lyceum. Daughter Yana (she is thirteen) was going to school, her husband was going to work."

A great war began...

The woman recalls: "Passing by the Chuguyiv airfield, we noticed that something was burning there... And in Kharkiv, we already heard loud explosions and saw long queues of cars at gas stations, traffic jams on the roads towards the exit from the city to the west..."

A great war began... Margarita's eldest son, Vitaly, who works as a children's coach in Odesa, said that it is possible to evacuate with smaller children to the Bukovel resort. But it was impossible to return to Chuguiv to gather. "So we stayed in Kharkiv, at my mother's..."

Participant of "History of the Strong"


"... the situation in Kharkiv and the outskirts of the city worsened by the hour. Very soon, Chuguiv was captured by Russian troops. We learned from social networks that a free evacuation train was to depart from the Kharkiv railway station to the west of Ukraine..."