I was hiding


Private entrepreneur

As a child, I dreamed of becoming a soldier... But in the graduating class, my boys and I rode mopeds, and I badly injured my leg... So I was not accepted into the army, admission to a military educational institution became unreal..." - Mykhailo Martynov shares his memories for "History of the Strong" .

Summer 2014

"When, after the beginning of the Russian aggression, in the summer of 2014, a unit of Ukrainian rocketry stopped in our village, I began to help them in every way. In the first months of the war, our soldiers were, as they say, naked and barefoot. So I brought them food, repaired equipment and to arrange life", Mykhailo recalls.

And he adds: "Of course, the village and even the district knew about it. The district newspaper even wrote about me as a volunteer, although I didn't really approve of it, because I'm not a public person".

Private entrepreneur

The beginning of a great war

Recalling the beginning of the great war, the man says: "The occupiers did not immediately enter our village, which is located nine kilometers from the highway of regional importance... By the way, while talking with the military, I repeatedly heard from them that there would be a war, and that only a matter of time..."

Mykhailo remembers how he took his father, who had a heart attack, to the hospital through the checkpoints of the occupiers: "We were stopped four times, and although I explained that my father had to be saved, they searched him, me and my car for a long time, looking into every crack".