"Ukrainian course" is a project of the Vadym Stolar Foundation, within which the study of the Ukrainian language is popularized
Join the projectAfter the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the enemy into our country, the popularity of the Ukrainian language grew rapidly - it began to be studied en masse all over the world. Ukrainian was called the "language of victory". Our citizens began to switch to their native language when communicating online, at home and at work.
After consulting with our followers on social networks about the possible direction of a new online educational project, after evaluating the results of the survey, we decided to launch the "Ukrainian course". Our project started on September 15.
"Ukrainian course" is a project of the Vadym Stolar Foundation, within which the study of the Ukrainian language is popularized, online lessons are conducted in the format of short videos, and practical advice and additional materials are provided in the Telegram channel.
The course is suitable for everyone who:
• wants to speak Ukrainian, but is ashamed to make mistakes;
• wants to switch from Russian to his native language;
• strives to get rid of surzhyk and master Ukrainian perfectly.
Also, the telegram chat of the project called "Ukrainian Course" is being systematically filled. By becoming its subscriber, you will:
• have access to all Ukrainian language lessons and be the first to take new lessons;
• read interesting materials and perform useful exercises;
• communicate with the course instructor and ask her questions;
• to be in a community of like-minded people who also strive to improve their Ukrainian.
Curator of the "Ukrainian Course" is Dana Orbu.
Our Dana:
• graduate philologist, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, editor of educational publications;
• has teaching experience at school, college, on courses at KPI;
• was born and lived in Moldova for 15 years, was completely Russian-speaking;
• learned Ukrainian in two years and knows by her own example how to make the transition to it interesting and easy;
• considers studying Ukrainian important now, because: "Language is the code of the nation, language is the border. Language is an important sign of the national identity, culture and history of the people";
• while teaching, he is inspired by the interest of students and the growth of interest in the course among students;
• an extremely optimistic person, because, despite serious difficulties with his own health, he inspiredly helps citizens learn their native language and does not lose faith in realizing his dream - to start walking again;
• for an easier transition to Ukrainian, advises to communicate in it everywhere and not be afraid to make mistakes.
Lesson 1. Modern Ukrainian language course
Lesson 2. Peculiarities of Ukrainian pronunciation
Lesson 3. Melody of the Ukrainian language
Lesson 4. Etiquette formulas of communication:
Lesson 5. Morphology. Noun
Lesson 6. Cancellation of surnames. Feminitives
Lesson 7. Peculiarities of the use of adjectives
Lesson 8. Spelling of adjectives. Creation of names of residents from geographical names
Lesson 9. Day of Ukrainian writing and language
Lesson 10. Pronoun. Rules of use
Lesson 11. Numeral. Definition of time in the Ukrainian language
Lesson 12. Peculiarities of using numerals
Lesson 13. Peculiarities of the use of verbs in speech
part 1
part 2
part 3
Lesson 14. Permanent verb compounds. Special forms of the verb.
part 1
part 2
part 3
Lesson 15. Using Verbs
part 1
part 2
part 3
Lesson 16. Using adverbs
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
Lesson 17. Peculiarities of using adverbs
part 1
part 2
part 3
Lesson 18.Peculiarities of using official parts of speech: Preposition
part 1
part 2
part 3
Lesson 19: Peculiarities of using official parts of speech: Conjunction
part 1
part 2
part 3
Lesson 20: Vocabulary of the Ukrainian language
part 1
part 2
part 3
Lesson 21: Peculiarities of using official parts of speech. Fraction
part 1
Lesson 22: Syntax: Structure and types of phrases
part 1
Editions of the encyclopedia antisurge!
First release
The letter Б
Part 1
Part 2
The letter В
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The letter Г
Part 1
Part 2
The letter E
Part 1
Letter Ж
Part 1
Part 2
Typical mistakes in speech
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Typical errors in SPELLING
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Water, introductory lesson.
From this lesson you will learn: peculiarities of business style in the Ukrainian language; we will discuss language features that we should avoid; consider important aspects of written and oral communication.
The third online lesson
The lesson is aimed at Ukrainians who want to formulate their thoughts correctly, learn to express themselves succinctly during work negotiations and expand their stock of professional vocabulary.
From this lesson you will learn: how to say hello correctly; how to speak tactfully and avoid misunderstandings. Also, let's pay attention to the importance of spelling and communication skills.
The fifth online lesson
Дізнаємося як правильно створювати та використовувати документи?
In the sixth lesson, we consider the topic of electronic letters, electronic documents and talk about an electronic signature.
Let's talk about meetings, types of meetings and how to prepare for them; about such a document - as a reference; consider one rule that will help you both in business speech and in the design of written documents.
The eighth online lesson
Let's talk about announcements, reports, and the use of the preposition "po".
The topic of this lesson will be accounting and financial documents. Authorization. Props.
Tenth online lesson
We continue to talk about: acts; invoices; requisites; registration requirements.
The first lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/6838
The second lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/6884
The third lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/6928
The fourth lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/6952
Fifth lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/6982
The sixth lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/7014
Seventh lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/7067
The eighth lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/7096
Ninth lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/7133
Tenth lesson on preparation for NMT 2024: https://t.me/ukrainemova/7169
Course of short videos
Now you can study on the way to work, sitting on a park bench or even on the train on your way to vacation! Or download the lesson to your phone and practice when the lights are turned off.
The first video. Spelling of prefixes.
Second video.Let's get acquainted with the rules of using a soft sign.
The third video. Use of apostrophe.
The fourth video. Rules for using the particles NO, NO with different parts of speech.
The fifth video. Rules for alternation of prepositions U/V and I/Y.
Sixth video. Rules for writing foreign words.
The seventh video. Spelling of patronymic names.
The eighth video. How to mark time correctly in our language.
A course of short video lessons. Autumn season.
In the first video of the new autumn season, our teacher talks about the most used tracing paper from Russian. But it explains in detail how to say these phrases in Ukrainian correctly.
Second video. Emotions in speech: Exclamations and intonation.
The third video. We are talking about phraseological units.
The fourth video. How to avoid repetition in speech? How to make it clearer and more understandable?
The fifth video. We learn to use polite addresses.
The sixth video. We learn to speak without clericalisms.
The seventh video. How to increase vocabulary.
The eighth lesson. We replace dialect words with standard vocabulary
Heading "Names in Ukrainian"
• First video: https://t.me/ukrainemova/9818
• Second video: https://t.me/ukrainemova/9936
• The third video: https://t.me/ukrainemova/10125
• Fourth video: https://t.me/ukrainemova/10407
• Fifth video:https://t.me/ukrainemova/10759
The column "Wait a minute, how is it in Ukrainian?"
• First video. How to properly congratulate on the holidays: https://t.me/ukrainemova/10564
• Second video. Active participles: https://t.me/ukrainemova/10691
• Third video. Are you greeting correctly? https://t.me/ukrainemova/10811
• Fourth video. Words that should always be written separately: https://t.me/ukrainemova/10932