We are in favor of not postponing the solution of serious matters for later. And we always offer our help in matters that we can help solve.
For more than 10 months, the "Legal Advice" project has been successfully working in our Foundation, which is supervised by the lawyer of our Foundation, Kristina Prykhodko. Since the start of the initiative, our expert has processed many requests from you and provided answers to questions, including:
• registration of social benefits for IDPs;
• social payments to low-income families;
• accrual of combat payments;
• payment of housing and communal services services for destroyed housing;
• registration of alimony;
• filing lawsuits, etc.
So, if you are a temporarily displaced person, a military serviceman or a member of his family, a person who lost his home due to hostilities, faced with a legal problem, you can count on a free consultation from our lawyer.
We are always there and ready to help.