Volunteers of the Vadym Stolar Foundation delivered a shipment of humanitarian aid to Mykolaiv

Volunteers of the Vadym Stolar Foundation delivered a shipment of humanitarian aid to Mykolaiv

Volunteers of the Vadym Stolar Foundation delivered a shipment of humanitarian aid to Mykolaiv

Volunteers of the Vadym Stolar Foundation delivered a shipment of humanitarian aid to Mykolaiv

Volunteers of the Vadym Stolar Charitable Foundation delivered 4,000 food kits to Mykolaiv and the region. They were received by people who lost relatives in the war, families who were left without homes due to hostilities, internally displaced persons and friendly public organizations.

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From the very beginning of the large-scale invasion of Russia, the Vadym Stolar Foundation has been constantly and systematically taking care of Ukrainians affected by the war. One of the important directions of our work has become the equipping of humanitarian missions to different regions of Ukraine. Volunteers of the Foundation have already visited Kharkiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, the front-line Donetsk region, as well as a number of settlements in the west of the country, where they visited several places of residence of forcibly displaced people.

"Thank you to the volunteers who brought aid to Mykolaiv and distributed it among those who needed it the most. And I assure you that we will continue to support both the population of the frontline regions and the forced migrants throughout Ukraine," emphasized the founder of the fund, Vadym Stolar.

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