They conducted a free ultrasound for women and privileged categories

They conducted a free ultrasound for women and privileged categories

They conducted a free ultrasound for women and privileged categories

Health is the most valuable thing we have. It is important to take care of it every day, and not put it off for later.​

Now, when there are so many challenges and anxieties around, women often give all their strength to loved ones, children... and, unfortunately, forget about themselves. We understand this and want to be there to help you stop for a moment and take care of your health.

That is why, and on the occasion of the All-Ukrainian Day of Combating Breast Cancer, we organized a free ultrasound for women of privileged categories within the framework of the "Health Checkups" project.

This is a simple but such an important step. In times when there is a lack of energy for our own needs, we wanted to give you the opportunity to take care of your health and remind you that your health is important. You matter.

Remember: self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity, especially now. We are always here to support you.

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