Tactical medicine training for teenagers (Kyiv)

Tactical medicine training for teenagers (Kyiv)

Tactical medicine training for teenagers (Kyiv)

Do you want your child to have basic first aid knowledge? We have a great opportunity for those in Kyiv - free tactical medicine training.

During the three-hour training, teenagers will learn about:
- the algorithm of actions during the provision of first aid;
- identification of dangerous factors that threaten life;
- actions to stop bleeding.

The number of places is very limited, so do not delay and register participants via the link - https://forms.gle/VTyH8sB4iwgxPPU96

The training is provided for teenagers aged 15 and over.

The event will take place on February 18, starting at 12:00.

Organizers: Vadym Stolar Charitable Foundation together with the International European University.

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