"Stories of the Strong": how The Vadym Stolar Foundation helps preserve and spread the truth about the war in Ukraine

"Stories of the Strong": how The Vadym Stolar Foundation helps preserve and spread the truth about the war in Ukraine

"Stories of the Strong": how The Vadym Stolar Foundation helps preserve and spread the truth about the war in Ukraine

"Stories of the Strong": how The Vadym Stolar Foundation helps preserve and spread the truth about the war in Ukraine from firsthand accounts

Presentation of the book "Stories of the Strong" was held in Bucha recently, it was prepared and published with the funds and efforts of The Vadym Stolar Foundation. The publication consists of real stories of Ukrainians who survived the horrors of war and continue to experience them every day. The main task of the book (which has already been translated into English and will be distributed in Ukraine and beyond) is to preserve and convey the truth to the world community about the brutal war waged by russia in Ukraine, firsthand as Ukrainians see it themselves.

The idea of such publication was phased out gradually. The Foundation has been actively helping both defenders at the front and civilians since the first days of the full-scale russian invasion, who have found themselves in need due to the war. Volunteers support people not only financially, but also constantly communicate with them, learning about their own painful stories of life under occupation and near the front line, rescue from enemy shelling and torture, loss of loved ones and housing.

"The idea to collect such stories in one book came to us during active public activity, which was widely developed from the first days of the full-scale war. We understood that what is shared with us is important and it should be captured. We processed a lot of stories, but 63 were included in the book, because they are the most painful, everyone abroad should read them and realize what is happening in Ukraine", Foundation volunteer Nataliia Prykhodko said during presentation of the book.

Volunteer Valeriia Lebedeva added in her turn, that the main goal of the publication is to show Ukraine in the war as it is seen by each of us.

"Such stories don't get into textbooks, but everyone should hear them. That is why we started work on the creation of a book, which consists of stories of ordinary Ukrainians, strong people of an indomitable nation, which are truly shocking. And now we are proud to present the result of many months of work by the team of The Vadym Stolar Charitable Foundation - the book "Stories of the Strong", Valeriia emphasized.

The Foundation explained that it was decided to present the book in Bucha, because this city has become iconic not only for Ukraine, but also for the whole world. It was here that everyone finally understood what a terrible evil Ukrainians are fighting. And the stories presented in the publication, which were collected and organized over the course of two years, allow us to make sure of this with the examples of specific people and families.

Authors of books were there at the presentation, who shared their stories and experiences, evoking deep emotions in the guests.

"Shock, stupor, animal fear. In the first days, we did not plan to evacuate, because we did not think that such a horror could happen in the 21st century. But when a bomb fell 60 meters from our house, we plan to leave. It was scary, because they were shooting cars at close range. We evacuated on the second attempt. I thought that this was the end, I was overcome by despair. But in reality, it was scarier to those who couldn’t got out of Irpin, Bucha, Gostomel. I thought that I would never return to Irpin. But we returned - to the ash. I still can't find the strength to read this book. However, I am sure that the whole world should see this, so that these events never happen again", a resident of Irpin Yulia Hrytsak said.

One of those whose story is told in the book was Olesia Chornobai, who was captured by the russians in Mariupil.

"I prepared myself for the fact that the children might not recognize me after a year and a half of captivity. I did not see them for a year and a half. But my husband prepared the children as if only a month had passed since the separation. Children ran and shouted: "Mom, mom." And the husband picked me up in his arms and hugged me tightly in the hospital" Olesia said with tears in her eyes.

Liudmyla Melnyk shared the story of her brother in the book, who joined “Azov” of his own free will and died for Ukraine.

"My brother was a strong Ukrainian. A few days before the full-scale invasion, he informed me that there would be war. And he said that he would most likely not return home. He reported that he was alive at the end of March, but they were being bombed continuously. He died in a few days... I am grateful to the Foundation for collecting such stories. We are a great nation, we have something to be proud of - history, culture. That is why the invaders want to take away our Ukraine, for the sake of our strength, not only for the sake of the land. Therefore, we must do everything to preserve our history for our descendants", Liudmyla stressed.

The book "Stories of the Strong" goes out into the world after the presentation in Bucha, it will be presented in Ukraine and abroad. And the team of The Vadym Stolar Foundation continues to work every day, providing support to those who need it most and helping our defenders with everything they need.

"I want to thank the volunteers of our Foundation, who have been helping people since the first days of the large-scale russian invasion. Thanks to the team for the idea and painstaking preparation of this important publication. I thank the heroes of the book, its authors for their trust, openness, sincerity and strength of spirit. I am sure that "Stories of the Strong" will attract attention and arouse interest both in Ukraine and abroad", the founder of the Foundation, philanthropist Vadym Stolar states.

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