Mid-December is the time when we internally adjust to get through the last grueling days of the year

Mid-December is the time when we internally adjust to get through the last grueling days of the year

Mid-December is the time when we internally adjust to get through the last grueling days of the year

Mid-December is the time when we internally adjust to make it through the last grueling days of the year. They are full of tasks that we have marked ourselves as mandatory. And at the same time, they promise pleasant worries related to the coming holidays.

And if we say that our team has already touched the magic of New Year's wonders a little? Interesting? Then about everything in turn.

During the past seven days, we:

• provided legal consultations within the framework of the "Legal Advice" project;

• trained in the "Sports in the District" project, and took care of the health of the feet in the Saturday column;

• handed over the EW system to the combat unit of the SSO within the framework of the "++ for the Armed Forces" project;

• carried out the holiday mission "Light of Childhood" and shared emotions from meetings with children in different parts of Ukraine;

• recalled how an interesting master class took place within the "ZhinochnaYa" Club;

• published another video in the new section "Ukrainian Names" in our "Ukrainian Course" project;

• in the new video of the "Psychodia" practical course, they talked about teenage subcultures;

• reported on the humanitarian aid provided by our Foundation since the beginning of the Great War within the framework of the "Product Aid" project;

• in the column "Know yours, yours and ours" they talked about Mykola Leontovych - an outstanding Ukrainian composer and the author of the legendary "Schedryk";

• were preparing to send the book "History of the Strong" to the libraries of Ukraine.

The week was very busy, but we managed everything planned. And after a short rest, we will again take up our favorite business - taking care of you, dear Ukrainians.

Wish us inspiration, friends!

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