How can internally displaced persons restore their documents?

How can internally displaced persons restore their documents?

How can internally displaced persons restore their documents?

How can internally displaced persons restore their documents? This is an urgent question for many Ukrainians who, fleeing shelling, evacuated into the unknown.

And this is the topic of the first video, with which we start a block of legal advice for citizens on our YouTube channel. Christina Foundation's lawyer has prepared many useful tips that will become your effective guide for dealing with situations that arise in everyday life.


From the first day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Vadym Stolar Foundation has been helping Ukrainian defenders and citizens.

We coordinate volunteers and patrons who strive to help those who need it most today. The fund buys food for hospitals and organizes the preparation of hot meals for law enforcement officers, gets generators and body armor for the Armed Forces and Teroborona and helps old women with medicine, organizes evacuation flights for women and children, etc. We work in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk region, Luhansk region and wherever our help is needed.

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