Because of the war, thousands of Ukrainians are now in need of rehabilitation

Because of the war, thousands of Ukrainians are now in need of rehabilitation

Because of the war, thousands of Ukrainians are now in need of rehabilitation

As a result of the war, thousands of Ukrainians were seriously injured, were traumatized during fierce battles for freedom, and now need rehabilitation.

Physical rehabilitation of soldiers and civilians became a priority of our grant program, in which all winners received funding for the implementation of projects in this direction.

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Now we already have real results from public organizations that won the grant program.

PMGO "Economic Development Agency of the City of Pavlograd" has already purchased the first piece of equipment within the scope of funding - a traction table for the rehabilitation department of the "Pavlograd City Hospital No. 4" hospital. In the near future, other necessary equipment for rehabilitation will be purchased with grant funds.

Society's demand for physical and psychological rehabilitation will only grow every day, because our battle continues... Both in the rear and at the front. We will certainly organize new stages of the grant program to support even more charities and public organizations in this important mission.

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