A team of like-minded people: Vadym Stolar talked about those with whom he implements charity projects in Ukraine

A team of like-minded people: Vadym Stolar talked about those with whom he implements charity projects in Ukraine

A team of like-minded people: Vadym Stolar talked about those with whom he implements charity projects in Ukraine

Politician and philanthropist Vadym Stolar is convinced that for the successful implementation of any ambitious project, the coordinated work of a team of like-minded people, where everyone is a high-class specialist in their field, is extremely important. After February 24, 2022, when charitable activities were transferred to "military rails", it was thanks to such a team that it was possible to establish systematic assistance both to the defenders of Ukraine and to the civilian population affected by the war. Vadym Stolar emphasizes that he is proud to cooperate with such people and is grateful to everyone who supports Ukrainians with him in these difficult times.

Vadym Stolar: Our people are my strength and my inspiration!

"A very important part of my charity work is my team. These are people who perform an extremely large amount of work, implement all our projects and programs 24/7. Our people are my strength and my inspiration! Today I want to introduce everyone to these people who deserve our sincere admiration and heartfelt thanks," says Vadym Stolar.

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According to him, there are several people working in the team who administer charitable activities in general or supervise its individual areas.

"Nataliya Prykhodko is actually my right hand in this activity. It is Nataliya who initiates and controls all processes, listens to everyone, analyzes the most pressing needs today. And I am very grateful to her, because I physically do not have the time and ability to cover the entire charitable direction, and Nataliya is a real strategist who is able to handle something so big as a charity foundation by herself in these difficult times," Vadym Stolar notes.

"I have been working together with Vadym Mykhailovych for a long time, we have common values, in particular regarding the importance of supporting others, and we understand each other without having to talk. That is why, from the first days, we managed to build an effective and efficient mechanism for helping people during the war. And today we continue to help, constantly expanding our activities to new areas and directions," says Nataliya Prykhodko.

Vadym Stolar introduces key members of his team

Another member of the team is Andrii Feshchenko. He is a very professional person who works to support the military, says Vadym Stolar.

"Everything that we transfer to our defenders within the framework of the project "++ for the Armed Forces" is on him in terms of practical implementation. It is Andrii Feshchenko who works with establishing contacts, purchases, receiving and delivering significant amounts of aid," philanthropist continues the introduction of his team.

"As part of our Charitable Foundation, I work in the field of logistics. Sometimes it is difficult, because, for example, a number of items that we purchase for the military are almost impossible to get. It is also not easy to lay out delivery routes, because sometimes they go too close to the war zone. However, I understand the importance of what we are doing - providing the military with the necessities. So we will continue to work, despite the difficulties", Andrii Feshchenko emphasizes.

As Vadym Stolar notes, another representative of the team – Yuliya Ulasyk – takes care of the topics of grant support for partner NGOs and the direction of military rehabilitation.

"Yuliya Ulasyk identified the need and opportunity to scale up the Foundation’s activity in the direction of the grant program, and proposed a corresponding idea. We have already completed the first stage and are planning further development. In particular, expansion to the international level. During the implementation of the program, a number of public organizations joined our activities. Thanks to the establishment of cooperation, we can now expand our activities and help more people," emphasizes Vadym Stolar.

"The question of military rehabilitation is very acute in Ukraine today, because the state does not have the necessary capacities and opportunities. However, the public sector is actively working in this direction. Therefore, the idea was, thanks to the grant program, to unite public organizations working on the topic of rehabilitation, to provide them with a resource - so that they could help the defenders more effectively," says Yuliya Ulasyk.

According to the philanthropist, Valeriia Lebedieva. supervises the direction of food aid to the population. She is also responsible for the implementation of the large-scale program "Recover", which is aimed at the emotional rehabilitation of families who lost one of their parents due to the war - she takes care of the organization and implementation of its stages.

Vadym Stolar also introduces Alla Borysova, a psychologist responsible for the "Psychological Support" project, within which she conducts free personal consultations and therapeutic groups to help people cope with difficult realities, the loss of loved ones or housing, and other pain. And also - Kristina Prykhodko, a lawyer of the Foundation, who is responsible for all legal issues and also provides legal assistance to people.

A large volume of work during charitable activities falls on the shoulders of volunteers, Vadym Stolar

"Since the beginning of the war, people who belong to the category of IDPs have joined us. However, they try to support others - they come to pack food kits, help with their distribution across Ukraine. These are very different people with different destinies, but with a clear understanding of the need to work for Victory. Both 20-year-old Bohdan, and 66-year-old Oleksii, and Nataliya, and Kseniia, and all the other volunteers are doing everything they can to help others - and this is truly inspiring," emphasizes Vadym Stolar.

"The war changed us a lot. We used to dream about travel and rest. Now - every minute you try to help others. When you think that somewhere a child or an adult is sitting hungry, homeless, injured - you try to give your all to somehow help these people. This is the most important thing. Everyone helps as much as they can. And this is how we bring Victory and our hope for a better life closer," says Kseniia, who always participates in packing food kits, which are later given to war-affected citizens in different parts of the country.

If you want to get involved in good causes, have the time and energy, write in private messages on the Facebook page of Vadym Stolar CF: https://www.facebook.com/VadymStolarBF

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