I couldn't stand it

I couldn't stand it



"When the full-scale war with Russia began, it was Poland that became one of the first and most massive refuges for Ukrainians... But no matter how hospitable the Poles are, it is still a new cultural and linguistic space for Ukrainian children, and adapting to it is not an easy test ", this is how Marta Sytenko begins his story for "History of the Strong".

Many talked about the Motherland

The woman says: "Children Hub brought together children from different parts of Ukraine. More than 1,000 Ukrainian families visited the hub in more than a year of its operation! For 13 months, five days a week, qualified teachers engaged in art therapy and creativity with children, and learned English in a playful way , got to know the world, explored various professions and talked a lot about the Motherland and its history." Children and their mothers received professional psychological support in the hub.


I got a job as a volunteer

"Two months later, in May, I couldn't stand it and applied to Poland... I got a job as a volunteer at Future for Ukraine, and later I started managing the Children Hub center in Warsaw. I was very happy, because the children's topic is my topic, and therefore I I will be able to be useful for my little countrymen."

Marta talks about her experience of participating in numerous pre-war projects dedicated to children. About the beginning of the work of the hub, its move to a large and bright room, about the growth of the Children Hub and its team.